Flash is one of the most significant applications in new media history. It has become a "killer app" that has been embraced by a wide spectrum of developers. In addition, Flash is uniquely community driven, with developers freely sharing tips, tricks, and processes with each other, and also contributing to the development of the application itself. Flash 5 is the most significant release, featuring a more productive interface, a revised animation timeline, and new Action Scripting language.
Flash has functioned primarily as an authoring application for web developers, enabling the creation of high-impact, fully interactive web sites. Previous to Flash, creating animated web sites (complete with sound) involved large files, with required equally robust bandwidth. Flash files, in contrast, can be very small, making bandwidth less of a concern. Furthermore, Flash has brought a level of advanced animation and interactivity previously unavailable using traditional Internet technology. Though Flash is predominantly used for the Internet, its power is expanding, and its use outside of presentations, and CD-ROMs, among other things . Flash is successful for a number of reasons, and one of the primary reasons is the core of its images technology :vector graphics.
Flash has functioned primarily as an authoring application for web developers, enabling the creation of high-impact, fully interactive web sites. Previous to Flash, creating animated web sites (complete with sound) involved large files, with required equally robust bandwidth. Flash files, in contrast, can be very small, making bandwidth less of a concern. Furthermore, Flash has brought a level of advanced animation and interactivity previously unavailable using traditional Internet technology. Though Flash is predominantly used for the Internet, its power is expanding, and its use outside of presentations, and CD-ROMs, among other things . Flash is successful for a number of reasons, and one of the primary reasons is the core of its images technology :vector graphics.